- What should I do if I encounter an error or problem when using an SPost command?
- How does SPost compute <some quantity>?
- How can I get help?
- How can I convert data from other formats into Stata format data files?
- What estimation commands are supported?
- When I try to run one of your programs, I get the error matsize too small.
- Can fitstat be used with xtlogit or <some other unsupported command?
- In an odds ratio plot from mlogview, what does the place on the vertical axis mean?
- When I use mlogtest, hausman I get an error. What does it mean?
- After nbreg or zinb, pr* commands report that alpha prevents estimation of predicted probabilities. What’s the problem?
- How can I obtain standard errors for the marginal changes computed by prchange.
- What do -+1/2 and -+sd/2 mean in the output from prchange?
- Does SPost work for the adjacent category logit model?